Blg Frns

Sign and narration embrace each other, 
join in the colourful language of Desanto,
visionary idiom, 
made of straight and continual calls from eyes or lips. 

The imagery of that language tells the tale of the human being and of his tense or underlying feelings behind the perfect stillness of a gaze or of expressive lips.

Thus humanity is bursting from the narration of Desanto,
as far as man is for him the bearer of sensitivity; 
likely to complain against injustice, aggression, alienation;  
or to contain an ode to friendship, love, tenderness.

This intimate melting of good and bad,
this duality resulting all life long in a new synthesis, 
is the nucleus of humanity.

Man as the bearer of an endless story.  
Endless like the narration of Desanto.
The narration of Desanto is thrilling
. Rob Kindt.

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